ADVANCEGeo Workshop Facilitators

Results 1 - 10 of 13 matches

Alistair Rogers
Scientist & Group Leader, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Environmental & Climate Sciences

State: New York

Amanda Shaffer
Diversity Education Director, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Office of Diversity Equity and Inclusion

Institution/Organization Type: Doctoral granting

Amy Burgin
Associate Professor and Associate Scientist, University of Kansas and Kansas Biological Survey

Institution/Organization Type: Doctoral granting
State: Kansas

Blair Schneider
, University of Kansas Main Campus, Kansas Geological Survey

Institution/Organization Type: Research facility
State: Kansas

Christopher Gentry
Associate Professor of Geography, Austin Peay State University, Department of Geosciences

Institution/Organization Type: Public four-year primarily undergraduate
State: Tennessee

Erika Marin-Spiotta
Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Geography

Institution/Organization Type: Doctoral granting
State: Wisconsin

Forest Isbell
Associate Professor, University of Minnesota, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior

Institution/Organization Type: Doctoral granting
State: Minnesota

Jane Willenbring
Associate Professor, University of California-San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Institution/Organization Type: Doctoral granting
State: California

Jessica Miesel
Asssitant Professor, Michigan State University, Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences

Institution/Organization Type: Doctoral granting
State: Michigan

Kathryn Schreiner
, University of Minnesota-Duluth, Large Lakes Observatory

Institution/Organization Type: Public four-year primarily undergraduate, Masters granting
State: Minnesota